There are four parcels adjoining one another in the Dockton area, with a continuous web of trails crossing them: Dockton Forest, Dockton Forest Lease (the "Maury 40"), Dockton Natural Area, and Dockton Park. Part of this area is also known as Maury Island Forest to some. The part with the trails on it is referred to by King County Parks, at least, as "Dockton Forest and Natural Area," while "Dockton Park" is the shoreline park that contains the boat launch, picnic tables, etc.
From the north: drive south following Vashon Hwy (6.5 miles from ferry terminal), then turn left onto SW 204th St. Continue straight where the road turns into SW Ellisport Rd; it then changes names a few more times and ends up as Dockton Rd; follow about a mile & continue directions below.
From the south : drive north following Vashon Hwy (6 mi. from ferry terminal) and turn right on SW Quartermaster Drive. After 1.4 miles, turn right on Dockton Rd/George Edwards Rd & go 1/3 mile. Continue directions below.
From above: Where Dockton Rd forks, keep right on Dockton Rd SW and drive another 3.5 miles or so. Look for a gravel parking lot on the left, across from the Dockton Park boat launch.
Length: 3 miles
Surface: dirt
Share with: hikers, bicycles
Restrooms in Dockton Park across from the parking area
Parking for: 3-4 trailers
King County Parks.
King County Parks has added a downloadable "brochure" (including a map) for this park to their "Backcountry Trails Map Brochure Series."